This division aims at achieving development goals for sustainable industry development by improvising regulatory measures while catering for institutional developments activities of individual stakeholders as pre-requisites for the Construction Industry. This envisages development of resilient and competitive players of the industry who can effectively cope with the challenges of development and can easily adapt to changing technological conditions. The Development Division consists of two sub divisions.
The Development division consists of two sub divisions. They are
(a) Industry Development
(b) Technology Development
The goal of this sub division is to develop the industry by adapting registration, monitoring & rewarding mechanisms. Such measures will upgrade the stakeholders to deliver quality end products and attain productivity while ensuring timely delivery, thus giving value for money for industry clients. Attending to disciplinary matters on receipt of complaints against the stakeholders, carrying out surveillance operations are also attributed under the scope of this sub division. This sub division also encompasses the promotional activities for our local entrepreneurs to position outside the country, finding opportunities in overseas projects. While promoting and facilitating local consultancy services and work of locally registered contractors, this division will also assist in promoting and facilitating them to undertake construction work overseas.
This sub division maintains the "Information Secretariat" of the Construction Industry, which provides reliable information for investment decisions for local & overseas entrepreneurs, while enabling an environment for the development of a vibrant, efficient and sustainable local industry. The other key activities of this sub division are, maintenance of Databases of industry stakeholders, maintenance of web portals, websites and maintenance of hardware & software infrastructure of the authority.