Construction Industry Development Authority

Ministry of Urban Development, Construction and Housing

Industrial Training Division

Assessment of the industry’s present and future human capital needs and initiate training programs to enhance present skill levels of human capital, train new entrants to the industry,   adopting latest technological development and improve the image of the industry to attract and retain human capital are some of the prime objectives of Industrial Training Division. The division encourages continuous development programs as continuous improvement in skills and knowledge necessary to keep abreast of the latest technology development and standardization of the industry work force and standardization by registration and grading of the construction industry workforce.

(a)    Craft Training (NVQ Level IV & below) (CT)
(b)    Managerial and Supervisory level Training (NVQ Level V -VII) (MST)
(c)    Registration and standardization of construction Industry workforce & Issuance of craft Identity Cards to Construction craftsmen
(d)     Managerial and Supervisory level Training at Center for Housing planning and Building (CHPB)

Training of school leavers and new entrants to the industry to obtain required competences and standardizing the skill level of craftsmen who posses NVQ level IV and below by identifying training needs and upgrading the capacities of the trainers and training institutions while regularizing and monitoring the activities of training institutions are carried out under this.


Conducting training needs analysis for supervisory and managerial categories in the industry and preparation of training programs in consultation with competent professionals in the relevant field, Assist training institution to conduct quality and standard training programmes and conducting of training programmes are carried out under this stream of activities.


Registration of skilled construction workers, construction site supervisors, Middle level technical officers and other professionals in order to maintain a digital database and regulate the workforce of the industry in order to facilitate the approvals and regulate the workforce of the construction industry is carried out under this programme.

Registration of construction craftsmen, Issuance of a craftsman ID card & a certificates of competence will be undertaken under this programme


Centre for Housing Planning and Building (CHPB) is ISO 9001:2015 Certified Institute accredited by Tertiary & Vocational Education Commission Reg. No. POI/054, Multi-Disciplined Institution coming under the managerial jurisdiction of Industrial Training Division. CHPB is located at No. 33, Parliament Road, Pelawatta, Battaramulla. The CHPB is emphatic in conducting courses (NVQ 4, 5&6) aimed at career development of technocrats and capacity building of professionals. The overwhelming response received for these technical sessions is a testament to the professionalism of CHPB in conducting most valuable courses obtaining accreditation for the training courses introduced by CIDA and designing of custom oriented training programs to suit the construction industry.


Staff of Industrial Training Division

Services of Industrial Trainng Division
  1. Construction craftsman training National Programme “Shrama Sikuru” to train and absorb 4000 new entrants to the industry.
  2. Training programmes conducted for the upgrading of skills and knowledge of supervisory and managerial categories for development of human capital in the industry.
  3. Registration of skilled construction workers construction site supervisors , Middle level technical officers and other professionals & maintaining the registry of those stakeholders
  4. Issuance of craft ID cards for construction craftsmen under “ Shilpayata Waramak” Programme
  5. Research and development of the Human resource Development Capital in the construction industry.



  • Construction Industry Development Authority
  • "Savsiripaya", 123, Wijerama Mawatha,
  • Colombo 07. Sri Lanka.
  • +94-11-2699801
  • +94-11-2699738